Sugar Roses

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Carousel Horse Cake

My journey making a carousel cake for my niece's birthday cake.

Sugar Horses:
The first thing I did was make a stencil for my horses. I went on line and found a carousel horse colouring picture. After printing it out I cut it out and then outlined it on a plastic place mat, then cut this out. It's stronger then using paper when cutting out gum paste. 
Colouring picture and cut out

I made 3 horses about a week ago so they would be dry and hold up when they stood in the cake. I rolled out some gum paste (not too thin) and traced my horse shape, I did this twice for each horse. While tracing I cut off the right ear and farthest left leg on the first horse outline. When I traced the second one I did the opposite. This way when you glue them together on top of each other, they look 3D. I made 3 horses.
When I glued them together (with edible glue) I added another round patch of gum paste, flattened it down and added a stick. I found the extra bit of gum paste gave the horse a rounder look and made the middle stronger for the stick. Add enough edible glue to keep the 2 pieces matched up and glued together and the stick. I put the horse in the middle of the stick.

Sugar horses

It did take about a week for the horses to dry well. Then I painted them.
In the mean time I made the top of the carousel. I used a glass dish as a mold and covered it with gum paste that I rolled out on a texture mat. I decorated it using other cut out pieces of gum paste and painted everything. Once it was fully dry I pulled it off the mold. 

I made a white cake, divided into 3 and coloured 2 parts of it. I wanted beautiful colourful cake once it was cut so I used a blue and purple. I made a 2 layer cake.


 One of the layers of the blue and purple cake I made.

I made a great Oreo Cookie butter cream icing for the middle part of the cake.

 Oreo Cookie Butter Cream Icing.

I crumb coated the cake and added some dowels in the middle so the top wouldn't sink into the cake.
I covered the cake with a pink fondant, again I used a textured mat to give it some dimension. I added some rope on the bottom, and around the sides with some pink bows and some butterflies (she loves butterflies). It all came together nicely.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! You put a lot of work into that! It looks amazing! And oreo cookie buttercream icing sounds fantastic!
